Sunday, 18 February 2018

Our Wonderful Artwork

Last week was our first full week of learning. 

We had Tom and Josh start with us on Monday. 

We learnt about the sounds of the letters s, a and t. 

We did some awesome astronaut art for the sound 'a'.

We also did some tiger art for the sound 't'!

We have had such a busy week full of learning! Well done Room 9. 


  1. Wow what creative art. I especially love the Tiger hand prints! How clever. (Kate, William's mum)

  2. Welcome Tom & Josh to Sunnyhills. Room 9 I love both your A is for astronaut and T is for tiger art displays - they are out of this world!

  3. Our artwork looks so lovely. Well done team.
    From Mrs Burge

  4. Very cool astronauts and Tigers. You all look very happy floating around in space!

  5. Welcome to Tom and Josh!
    Great art work all the kids! What a fun class you have! You are lucky!
